Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Warm Welcome

IIM Lucknow has active students, enlightened faculty, competent doctors, enterprising (and some may mistake this for fleecing) shopkeepers and pretty helpful watchmen. But what often escapes the eyes of the general media is the army of insects that reside on its lawns. The day I entered the institute, the day when it rained, that was the day when the insects decided to welcome me.

Man! Was my room colourful!! Green, Black, Brown, blue - just think of any colour and I could all colours of insects. I was pretty overwhelmed with this show of affection. Infact, some of these were friendly enough to get physical. Which was the time when I too decided to reciprocate. Physically. Most of the insects too were overwhelmed by my display of gratitude I guess for most of them never woke up after this. As for the ones who did, I made sure that they had their throat choked with emotion.

That was the day I realized what they meant when they said you will learn more out of class than inside it during your MBA. I mean how many people can learn to become human replacements of HIT in one day. Not many I guess. But most of us here at IIML did that. And you cannot even imagine the pride of being a 'TeesMaarKhan' (The khan who killed thirty) till you actually accomplish it. Talk of extra-curricular achievements and job satisfaction! All this even before the classes had started!

The rest of the day was spent exploring the campus, from the mess which cooks paneer every other day and a sweet everyday to the Nescafe outlet where you get Polo. From the temple to the guest houses, from the slums to the suburbs this was the place that I was going to live in for two years. So, two years it is with classmates, faculty, staff and most-importantly : the insects!


Unknown said...

Hilarious !! You have a brilliant sense of humor and even better capability to put that in words !! Splendid ! Keep it up !!

Ankur said...
