Monday, March 06, 2006

The Indian Postal Act 1898

Didn't know it existed before I read this. After reading, I am speechless. Will comment on Tuesday by which time I will have to regain speech for IIML.


Varun Rajkumar said...

As Morpheus says in The Matrix:

".....You either Bend the rules.... or Break them!!".

The Post office is basically out of business... They might benefit more, if they improve their speed and efficiency, rather than searching for loop holes where they can put in a road block for the private courier companies.

Of course, the post office does a great job in covering all corners of the world... but in metros... Courier RUlz!!!

Anonymous said...

who will benefit from the money?Postal dept or the governement?

Ankur said...

Commented on the issue today

google it!

The Department of Post is a department under the Ministry of IT and Telecom I think. So, the department should benefit and the government too.